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RPM Bridge

AiM RPM Bridge
AiM RPM Bridge
AiM RPM Bridge
AiM RPM Bridge
AiM RPM Bridge
AiM RPM Bridge
AiM RPM Bridge
AiM RPM Bridge
Admeasurements AiM RPM Bridge
Admeasurements AiM RPM Bridge
The RPM Bridge is an interface module connecting the engine control unit (ECU) to an AIM Display as well as to the SmartyCam, whenever a Datalogger is not available.

The RPM Bridgedoes not possess an internal storage and therefore it can’t save ECU-data, which it admittedly provides for the SmartyCam for the overlay in the film, for the analysis with the software RaceStudio 2. These data can be indicated by connecting the ECU Bridge with an AIM Display (M3 – Dash, TG – Dash, Formula Steering Wheel, GT Steering Wheel, MXL-Dash) or (for Overlay) with the SmartyCam.

The RPM Bridge has an USB Port and three cables, two on the right and one on the left hand side. The USB Port makes it possible with the help of a PC via USB-cable to configurate the ECU Bridge. The configuration is done using the free AIM-Software RaceStudio 2, by selecting in the appropriate menu the connected engine.

Logo CAN-Bus Technologie
CAN-Bus Technology

Special features SMC Bridge

  • ECU Interface (CAN Bus, RS 232, K-Line, OBD II) 
  • Internal AIM CAN-Bus 
  • Taping of the RPM from the control unit or the coil 
  • More than 500 various ECU’s selectable
  • Online-indication of the measurement values
  • USB-port for programming
  • Dimensions: 109,5 x 87,5 x 20,5 mm 
  • Weight: 220 gram 

Connection example RPM Bridge

Anschlussbeispiel AIM RPM Bridge 

The inputs on the RPM Bridge

Die Eingänge der RPM Bridge
1 RPM connection 2 12V connection to the on-board power supply of the vehicle 3 USB-port
4 Status LED 5 Connection for expanding the Bridge throuh e.g. the SmartyCam

Accessory for RPM Bridge

AIM Zubehör Hubs AIM Zubehör Kabel
Hubs Cable

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memotec GmbH | Bauwaldstrasse 1 | D-75031 Eppingen | +49.7260.920440 | |