The via GPS detected speed is very accurate (at constant speed + 0,1km/h), and therefore clearly more accurate then any over the wheel speed recorded value. The data logger AiM evo4 (obligatory in most VLN-cars) records them 10 times per second and can indicate good readable the measuring value with a decimal in large digits on the illuminated graphical display. It is updated three times per seconds
Our track support at the 2nd run to the VLN is because of overlapping with 3 further events limited, but can supply pre-ordered parts. We will endeavor, all orders, which will be received until
Friday, 24.4.2015, 7 AMper email on (please do not call), to prepare and take with us. The pre-ordered parts than can be picked up at Thomas in the technical acceptance. Please note, that a DataHub must be available in the vehicle, which you please if necessary also order.
- G-Dash im AiM Store - Geschwindigkeitszonen auf der Nordschleife